Saturday 22nd July 2023
Second issue:
Learning, Learning, Learning!
What I learnt from Mr. Tender
~Study the language learning method by reflecting the brain mechanism and structure
Since setting up my HABaLook quest; empowering people’s communication skills, I’ve been hungry gathering information and knowledge to help me pursue my journey. But being too busy always foraging for information, my initial aim to write my blog every week already failed… Oh.. dear… never mind….
During the last a couple of weeks, Mr. Tender gave me the deepest inspiration on this topic and a lot of ‘aha!’ moments that help me explore my teaching practice. He introduced me to how the brain works and the logical thinking systems. This was over participating in the two weeks of online workshop calls, “Referring the root and understanding the passage of communication; brain and system thinking workshop” organised by Japan Foundation and University of York.
The lecturer, Mr Tender, CEO of Dynamic Lab, is an environmentalist, an activist and the self-survival guru AKA professional hippy, living in Kagoshima in Japan. Originally he ran this lecture for a total of about 12 hours, however, it has now been concentrated into 6 hours ( 3 hours x2 weeks)! So, it was packed with information and a very intense but so enjoyable workshop.
I have learnt a lot and here is a summary of a few points.
- Very simply put, the brain is structured into three,
1.Reptilian(Brainstem), 2.Limbic(Paleomammalian cortex) and 3.Neocortex. All information conveyed from the Reptilian(brainstem) and It functions for the most fundamental role which is to survive.
- For survival instinct, almost all information is instinctively rejected because of fear.
- For survival, it only craves for something ‘new’, ‘rare’ and ‘upgrading the social status’ and when those elements are injected, the brain releases dopamine.
- Dopamine gives pleasure and motivation. More dopamine releases, people are hooked on and becoming addictive.
- Therefore, if you want to convey the information to your audience, you must attract their brainstem = crocodile brain and you need to know what your audience’s crocodile brain wants!
- Very simply put, the brain is structured into three,
Those are the instinctive human behaviour and our society is run by this basic desire to release more dopamine! However, dopamine release only gives you instant pleasure, for example from drugs, alcohol and gambling etc, and it’s addictive and we feel we can never have enough. For this never ending dopamine crave, we are squeezing out the resources from planet earth and increasing the problems of climate crises more and more…
To reduce these harmful cycles, we must understand our NEED and learn to tame our crocodile brain by using ‘System Thinking’.
I hope my practice will contribute to helping people to learn how to tame their inner crocodile and have a happier life!
Next issue, I will report one of my research, Show & Tell exchange project.
Please stay tuned!
第2回目 2023年7月22日(土)
ここ2週間一番強烈に「教える」事を根本的に考えさせてくれて、私に「システム思考」という考え方を伝授してくれたのは、テンダーさん 。
国際文化フォーラム・ヨーク大学共催「対話力」セミナーシリーズ 『根源に触れ、流れを捉える。脳とシステム思考講座』のワークショップで、本来テンダーさんが行なっている講座を約半分に凝縮し、2週間にわたる、各3時間のオンライン合計6時間の!とても内容の濃い集中講座。レクチャーのテンダーさんは鹿児島県に住む、環境活動家で職業ヒッピー!ダイナミクラボ代表、ヨホホ研究所を主宰されています。
簡単に言えば、脳は1)脳幹、2)大脳辺縁系 3)大脳新皮質の3つの構造からなっている。そしてすべての情報は、脳幹からしか入らない。そして脳幹の基本的な機能は生存することである。
- 生存するためには脳幹はほぼ全ての情報を怖がり、拒否します。
- 生存するために、脳幹は「新しいこと」「珍しいもの」「自分の社会的地位を上げる情報」にしか基本的には食いつかない。そしてそれらが脳に入力されると、脳はドーパミンを排出する。
- ドーパミンは快楽と射幸心を煽る物質で、ドーパミンが出されれば、人はドーパミンが出された行為に取り憑かれ、さらにドーパミンが欲しくなる。
- したがって, 人に情報を伝えたいのであれば、伝えたい相手のクロコダイル・ブレイン=脳幹が一体何を欲しくて、噛み付くかを理解することが大切。
次回はShow & Tell 見せて教えて交流プロジェクトについてご報告します。